Monday, August 18, 2008

Yes indeedy...

It is 97 degrees Fahrenheit in Prairie Metropolis this afternoon. I'm just sayin'.
Fortunately I've been in the basement of St. Whozis the Evangelist all day, except for a brief foray at noon to find lunch and to fill my gas tank...
I'm part of a small (i.e. "select") group participating in a formation session for The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Christian education for the very young on a foundation of Montessori theory. It really is most interesting and inspiring. Anybody out there have any personal experience with this program? It has some points of comparison with the "Godly Play" program, I believe, but perhaps that is just my ignorance of both, talking...

The wardens are coming in for a Corporation meeting in about 45 minutes -- setting up some agenda for next Monday, doing some pre-planning for the fall...

And then I have a why-be-Anglican conversation with another couple, in an air-conditioned coffee shop fairly close to home.

And tomorrow is also a day.

Yesterday was one for the books...starting with a poor night's sleep, one of those where you finally go down for the count about 4:30 a.m.? And we all know what THAT does to the alarm clock...
So I was hustling out a little behind schedule, and opted to collect coffee and carbs from the Nationally Syndicated Iconic coffee chain. Where they slipped me a day-old bagel. Trust me, you can tell. Did think of driving back and returning the merchandise, overhand, through the drive-through window...
HOT in the church even in the early service. Volunteer musicians of much talent but relatively little experience in liturgical accompaniment. Failure to communicate between organist and celebrant (not the Rambler, for once) as to "the note" to start the Sursum Corda; so that the organist realizes the world is waiting for her just as the celebrant gives up and launches into "The Lord be with you" SAID. Ruffled nerves resulting.
Two baptismal families, both most endearing, and two lovely children, the first an all-but-two-year-old boy, who is NOT sure he wants to cooperate with this strange lady ... helpful volunteers pre-service rushed to take over filling the baptismal ewer, and despite instructions to let the water run was "good and cold." Very refreshing, but the baptizands didn't think so.
No volunteers to make coffee, so Retired Grand Matron of all things Kitchenly was beseeched into service. In an endearing moment during communion she whispered to me, "ALL is UNDER CONTROL." This has been pretty much her mission statement all her life; she is a retired head nurse of Norse antecedents...
However she was assisted by helpers of no discernible competence, whose approach to the dishwasher was "push all the buttons, and then complain loudly that the equipment is a piece of crap"...
A third service mid-afternoon at a seniors' residence. We managed a congregation of four, ultimately; and my cherished senior lady in that group was back in hospital (fortunately just a few blocks away), so I went and found her, and we had communion also, but not until she had --characteristically-- introduced me to her roommate, "who is a lovely friend, and Roman Catholic, and couldn't she have communion with us?"
This communication somewhat impeded by confusion and sedation and the absence of her upper denture.
But we had our Communion...
Finished the day with a round-trip of about 80 kilometres, chauffeuring #2 son to collect a medium-large dog, and dog-trousseau, on behalf of friends who are mid-move and haven't yet found a dog-worthy new residence. The dog was very well behaved and charming and not nearly as large as I had feared. (I mean, what do YOU picture when somebody says, "Labrador Husky"?) "Down, Baskerville!"
The last major leg of the drive home was due west toward a spectacular oncoming electrical storm. Kind of a picturesque way to end the day. And the rain, although brief, cooled the air and we all slept soundly.


Terri said...

I have experience with both Godly Play and Catechesis...Catechesis is more thorough and comprehensive of scripture, uses more stories from OT and NT including stories of women. The training is more intense (and more expensive) and requires a number of different levels to cover all the age ranges. Some churches cannot afford Catechesis, which makes Godly Play an excellent alternative....but Catechesis is the best...the middle school kids I've worked with who were raised with Catechesis from a young age (3 or so) were able to think theologically about every day issues - it had a profound impact on them and their lives. That's my experience of them...hope all goes well for you!

Glad the weather cooled and you were able to sleep.

Annie's Mom said...

That DOES sound like a day and a half!

Mary Beth said...

Love the Catechesis. Have used it at 2 churches now. Glorious opportunties.