Saturday, March 5, 2011

the Friday Five (it's Friday somewhere, I'm sure)

Kathrynzj has invited us to play this Friday Five this week.

What are some things you appreciate about the season of Lent? Perhaps you would share 5 of them with us. And for your bonus question feel free to share one thing you could do without.

1. I like the discipline (yes, that word) of Lent but think it should include more than just "the bridle" -- on the pattern of Dante's Purgatorio I need the whip (OK, OK, the quirt, then!) to push me forward as well as the bit to pull me back. So this year I'll be thinking about what phrases would work best in both functions.

2. Purple. I feel blessed that I have a custom made purple stole -- real violet purple, not the "grape-a-lade" red-purple...

3. And the season -- the lengthening daylight, especially in this seemingly interminable winter.

4. Holy Week done as high'n'solemn as they'll let me get away with...ideally, daily Eucharist, Maundy done with a meal and the Pedilavium and the stripping of the altar, Friday with solemn devotions, and the Great Vigil with as many readings as possible and as much darkness as possible, but this year, see point #3 above!!!

5. The opportunities in teaching the children in this solemn season without either trivializing everything or scaring them into nightmares. I like "serious explorations" with children, even quite little ones.

And what can I do without? rushing the season (chocolate easter eggs on Good Friday, for example), and jamming the season, multiplying extra-parochial services and observances like the re-affirmation of vows, for Pete's sake.


kathrynzj said...

Yes, we jam the season and this year I am the one most at fault. I love your list, thank you so much for playing!

Tim Chesterton said...

multiplying extra-parochial services and observances like the re-affirmation of vows, for Pete's sake.

A hearty amen to that. On the busiest week of the year with lots of sermons and services to prepare for, an extra service outside the parish just multiplies the stress.